Welcome to the HDE
The Hydrometeorological Data Explorer

Hydrometeorological Data Explorer

Brought to you by PRIN-ITSE, DISAA (University of Udine), the Cryosphere and Hydrology Group.

Station: Moscardo.

Coordinates: 347680, 5158600 (WGS84-UTM33). Elevation: 839 m asl.

Station: Sacile-San Michele.

Coordinates: 305109, 5092023 (WGS84-UTM33). Elevation: 26 m asl

Station: Sacile-San Michele.

Coordinates: 305109, 5092023 (WGS84-UTM33). Elevation: 26 m asl

Station: La mare glacier, Ortles-Cevedale group (Automatic Weather Station)

Coordinates: 625965, 5143478 (WGS84-UTM32). Elevation: 2973 m asl

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